Saturday 29 December 2012

When everything falls apart.....ASK your GOD

"Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
 Sugar is sweet and so is Life."

I wish life was always like this but it isn't. Life can sometimes come to a Dead End, where everything falls apart. Everything you've know, everything you prayed for and everything you've worked for nothing makes sense.

      The worst is you have to deal with it all alone, no one can really help you. Your friends, family might support you and give you advice but if someone can really help you - it is you. GOD never leaves any one alone and it is true. God cannot be with everyone all the time so to take care of his children he gave everyone a part of him. This part of his is called - THE SUBCONSCIOUS. This way god is always with us, He is within us. We are all connected to God with our subconscious and God talks to us through our subconscious.


           Our mind is a temple, a holy place where God resides. If you believe in God you really don't need to go anywhere you will always find him in yourself. When I say this it is also important that I tell you how to take care of GOD.

              Its most easy yet most difficult to do. the best way to take care of GOD is to keep your mind pure. Keep it away from Bad thoughts. Isn't it easy yet difficult. I know but only you are capable of doing so.
With this part of God comes a part of his powers. What are these powers?  These are the talent and skills you were born with - your god gift.

          Your talents are holy and you should not ignore them. Sometimes you will see people doing extra-ordinary things - it is because they believe in themselves and by doing so they believe in God. You will also see some people committing heinous crimes. Well its not god that tells them to do so, its their lack of believe in God that makes them do so. They reject God's existence and so God leaves their body. These people then become living hell and thus create hell for others. Hell and Heaven is a 3D concept, it is not in the universe but on Earth itself.  Hell and Heaven was born out of human mind and it our mind that decides what kind of life we will live.


             It is our mind that punishes us when we do wrong and rewards us when we do good. It has all the answers, It knows you better than anyone. So when everything falls apart, ask yourself what to do? Ask your God. When you start doing so you will see - you will be endowed with this special power. This power will help you see light in the darkest caves. This light is the light from God.

 You just have to believe in your self and you will one day surprise yourself.. It is your test- to see whether you quit or you start believing.

          I'd say Quitting is always the bad option because you never know how strong you are until you are forced to be.


 There is this one man who despite of all the sciences believed in God, despite of all the predictions believed in himself. He is one of the greatest people I've ever read about. He is the only scientist who believed in GOD. He is Sir Albert Einstein. I will now leave you with what he said about God.

                                                                                                          - I hope you find God within yourself,
                                                                                                                  PYARRI ZIDDI

Thursday 27 December 2012

WILL - Die Another Day

What is the biggest strength in the world? 

 -Is it being the richest?
-Is it being young all the time?
-Is it being in love?

Well every one will have a different answer to that but I have one answer that everyone will agree with.
The biggest strength in the world is to be the happiest in all times.

Yes it HAPPINESS. Now your happiness may lie in materials, philosophy or love but the most important thing is to be happy because it is most difficult to be happy all the time.

I have Noticed that people love what they don't have. They chase what they don't have and in that madness of chase  they fail to see what they have.
             "It is not what they have that kills them, It is what they don't have does"

While I'm talking about happiness, I'm sure someone somewhere is trying to end their lives. I wish I could stop all of them from doing the same mistake I did a few years back but it is not possible.

It is the lack of will to find happiness that forces people to opt for suicide but today I will tell you how to find happiness behind the black curtain. So let me take you to that bridge where I was standing few years ago.

The Bridge of Life and Death.  On one side of the bridge is a forest- dark and empty, lonely and cold, it appeals more to you because of the way you feel. On the other side is a huge Black Curtain- quiet and depressing, gloomy and haunting. If you are standing on that bridge, this curtain will scare you. On that bridge you have only two options and you have to pick one.

That time you will want to go into the forest because all you want is to be left alone in peace. Sometimes Death can be quiet attractive and i chose to go inside the forest. it seems I got lost there and I found myself again on the bridge. This time I chose to open the black curtain.

Behind that Black Curtain was new life. This life wasn't easy for me  and  it took me a long time to find myself. Today I am living this new life and I am much more stronger. I don't know what is inside that forest, Or what was that I was searching for but I can tell you behind that curtain, there was a light. A light that taught me Happiness needs sacrifice. The bigger the happiness you are chosen for the bigger will be your sacrifice.
 Ever since god has made the world you notice nothing has been smooth. The surface of the earth, the branches of the trees, the clouds, nothing is plain or straight.

Imagine if the mountains would have been straight will you ever be able to climb them? No.
If the earth was all plain would you ever find water in lakes? NO
If  all the trees were as tall and straight like coconut tree will you get enough shade? No.

I know we all have reasons to quit. Maybe be not one reason but many serious one but you also have one reason to live. A reason to be happy.

Remember When you chase something you don't have you will always get something you don't need or you don't deserve and it is silly to kill yourself for something you don't deserve or you don't need.

You can always change Bad things to Good this you just need to have the Will.
Have the will to live today and Die another day.


Thursday 13 December 2012

Label Jars Not Your KIDS

"Instead of being the next somebody can I please be the first ME"


                   Advertisements are entertaining but sometimes they can be quite inspiring and so is our inspiration behind our latest camp - 'STOP LABELLING AND START ENABLING'. In a garden each and every flower is different, even if they are of the same species. No two roses will grow the same no of petals or have same no of pollen grains, each rose is different but our human eyes see it as all the same,  We fail to notice the differences and thus we start labellling them.
                            Roses with more petals are labelled as beautiful and roses with less petals are labelled as less beautiful. This labelling  doesn't stop at roses or jars but We use them upon our children also. We forget that even the rose with less petals has a sweet smell and a beautiful colour. We define the world according to our likenesses. Instead of making your child the next somebody let him become the first somebody.
                             Labelling them is like building up boundaries and making them smaller. Your child is different and has different abilities so trust your child rather than trusting Labels.

Join us for FREE CAMP on 15th December from 10:30am -2:30pm at AADHAR Center for child development and psychological Counselling. HIG 405, Arera Colony, Near 1100 Hanuman Mandir,
Opp. Dr. Gajendra Chawla's Eye Clinic, Bhopal. Ph: 0755-4275551,8435643775


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